What We Do

We help children and young adults who are suffering from brain cancer.

Our Mission

To help children and young adults with DMG and DIPG brain tumors help themselves regain important cognitive and motor skills through the fun of creative and challenging block building kits. To help fund medical trials for new drugs that will cure brain cancer.

“The children in my clinic absolutely light up when we are able to give them a Lego Set from Build a Cure. Kids and young adults with brain tumors often get anxious or bored in clinic, and they often look for a distraction when their parents are discussing difficult topics. A lego set is perfect for these moments. Plus, legos are perfect for dexterity and hand-eye coordination rehab, which many of my patients need.”

—Dr. Carl Koschmann

Dr. Koschmann is a Pediatric Neuro-Oncologist in the Department of Pediatrics at University of Michigan Health, Michigan Medicine and a Principal Investigator of an independent translational Pediatric Neuro-Oncology laboratory.

What We’ve Achieved

  • Donated approximately 100 kits to pediatric and young adult patients at various hospitals and their homes.

  • Donated thousands to help fund trials for patients (It costs $12,000-$22,000 per patient)

  • Continue to reach out to doctors, hospitals and clinics nationwide.

  • Raise awareness of this terminal disease